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Day of Your Child's Surgery or Procedure

NPO Guidelines

  • Special instructions (NPO Guidelines) about eating and drinking will be given to you. When a child is not allowed to eat or drink this is called NPO. Surgery may be canceled if guidelines are not followed correctly!
  • Special instructions will be given if taking medications.

Before Leaving Home

  • If your child is ill, even with a cold, near the time of surgery, the procedure may be canceled. Call 315 464-3636 for instructions.
  • You may be asked to bathe your child or have him/her take a shower before coming for surgery or a procedure. Special soap may be required to disinfect your child's skin.
  • Remove all your child's jewelry, body piercing, makeup and nail polish before coming to the hospital

Coming to the Hospital

  • Bring insurance card.
  • Please leave plenty of time for travel and report on time to the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital Main Lobby.
  • The admitting staff will direct you to the surgical center and our staff will take it from there.

Operating Room

Your child will be taken to the Operating Room (OR) for surgery.

  • You may carry your child or he/she may be transported in a crib, stretcher or bed.
  • Emergencies may cause some changes in the schedule and there may be delays.
  • The Operating Room staff wear face and head coverings and special clothes to keep the operating room clean and germ free. Your child may also wear a head covering.
  • The OR may be cool. Ask for a blanket if you think your child may be cold.
  • Although everyone may look busy, ask any questions that you may have.

Non-OR Procedures

  • Procedures are done in various departments in the hospital. Nursing staff will inform you of these areas.
  • Your child may receive medications to make him/her sleepy and comfortable during these procedures.
  • There are several waiting areas for patients and families. Please ask a health care provider about which waiting area would be most appropriate for you.

Types of Anesthesia

General Anesthesia: With this anesthesia your child will be in a deep sleep.

  • A tube may be placed in your child's throat to help him/her breathe.
  • This tube is generally removed before your child awakens.
  • The tube may cause your child to have a sore throat after the procedure.

Regional Anesthesia: With this type of anesthesia an area or a region of your child's body, such as an arm, is "numbed".

  • Your child will be awake but will be given a medicine to make him/her drowsy.
  • Your child may be able to hear the doctors and nurses throughout their operation or procedure.
  • They will NOT feel any pain.
  • Feeling to the "numbed" area will gradually return within a few hours after the procedure. One of the most common types of Regional Anesthesia is Spinal.